Latest Fitness Tips


Now open in Jetland!

We've opened our doors in Jetland today! drop in and see us before/after work, during lunch, or post-shopping, ...

How Often Should I Train?

Although the initial Matchready introduction and your physical condition are prerequisites to answer this question, 2 or 3 ...

How does the Biocircuit personalise the workout?

Resistance Profile Some people require isotonic resistance, others need to reduce the inertia to preserve the joints, while ...

Is Biocircuit Suitable for Strength Training?

Biocircuit™ is able to deliver the intense workout you’re looking for. It includes a specific training programme and ...

Biocircuit™, HIIT or Cardio?

All of the above can be efficient ways to lose weight, but not all will suit everyone. Matchbox ...

What is unique about Matchbox Biocircuit?

The key to a personalised workout in a safe, easy and effective way is the Biocircuit, a sophisticated ...

Inhibit ageing with Exercise

The process of aging is intricate, influenced by various factors that interact with each other. Thesefactors encompass lifestyle ...